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Adding New Nodes and Images

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Emulab Installation Documentation

Adding New Nodes and Images

Customizing the Generic Image

These instructions describe how to create a site-customized Emulab disk image from a "generic" image provided by Utah. The basic procedure is:

  • Load the image on a testbed machine
  • Customize both FreeBSD and Linux filesystems
  • Save the customized image

At this point, you should already have running ops and boss nodes. Additionally, the MFS images should be installed and you should have selected which generic image you will be using on your testbed. See Memory Filesystem and Generic Images for more information. If you have not completed any of these steps, do it now.

The customization of the disk partitions is done using a testbed node booted into the "admin" MFS. If you have followed the Emulab setup directions and have added nodes to your testbed to the point where they are now in the "hwdown" experiment, they should already be in the admin MFS. At this point you should be able to pick one and slogin as root from your boss machine.

If the node does not respond to slogin and you have serial consoles hooked up, connect to the console, reboot the node and wait for the Emulab pxeboot prompt:

Type a key for interactive mode (quick, quick!)

So hit the space bar (quick, quick!) and you go into the interactive mode where you can tell it to boot from the admin MFS:


Another option is to use this command on your boss node:

withadminprivs node_admin on pc1

(Where pc1 is replaced with the name of the actual testbed pc)

Now on with the show.

Step 1 - Load the image on a testbed machine

We will assume the machine is called "pc1" in the following directions.

Put the Utah-provided generic image in /usr/testbed/images on your boss machine if you haven't done so already. The generic image will be loaded, and the custom image saved, using this directory.

Boot pc1 into the admin MFS as described above.

Figure out what your root disk is. You can look through the boot time output of FreeBSD on pc1 to find it. If you missed that output, you can ssh into pc1 and run "dmesg":

sudo ssh pc1 dmesg | less

If you have IDE disks, the disk you want will probably be "ad0". If you have SCSI disks, it will be "da0". For SATA disks, it will probably be "ad4". RAID controllers are various things like "ar", "aacd", or "twed", depending on the controller your have. If you cannot find anything in the output that looks like a disk, you may have an unsupported disk controller. Contact if this happens (and be sure to have your "dmesg" output handy!)

If your disk is anything other than "ad0", there are several files under both FreeBSD and Linux that will need to be "fixed." The good news is that the post-disk-load customization pass should do this for you. Just make sure that the Emulab database entry for each node type has the proper value. To set this value, go to the web interface:

and make sure that "disktype" has the proper value for each node type. However, you still need to know the disk type for the following steps, so let's set a shell variable:
set DSK=<your-disk-here> # e.g. "ad0", "da0", "ad4"

for csh, or for the bash shell:

DSK=<your-disk-here>; export DSK

If all has gone well, the node should be up and accessible via ssh. To copy the generic image onto the test machine disk, first set some variables based on what image you are customizing:

FBSD62+FC6 (csh):

set BSD=FBSD62
set LNX=FC6

FBSD62+FC6 (sh):

FULL=FBSD62+FC6; export FULL
BSD=FBSD62; export BSD
LNX=FC6; export LNX

FBSD410+RHL90 (csh):

set FULL=FBSD410+RHL90
set BSD=FBSD410
set LNX=RHL90

FBSD410+RHL90 (sh):

FULL=FBSD410+RHL90; export FULL
BSD=FBSD410; export BSD
LNX=RHL90; export LNX

Now do the following on boss:

sudo ssh pc1 imageunzip - /dev/$DSK \

Image loading should take anywhere from 45 seconds to several minutes.

If the ssh returns with "Killed" then imageunzip ran out of memory. By default, imageunzip will consume memory without bound for buffering of pending disk writes. If imageunzip grows too big, the system will kill it. In this case, retry the imageunzip command with "-W <num-MB>" where <num-MB> is the maximum number of MB to use for disk buffering. Using about half of the available physical memory should be safe (e.g., if the machine has 512MB of memory, try "-W 256").

Now you can begin customizing the FreeBSD and Linux partitions.

Step 2 - Customize FreeBSD

First, login as root from boss and set that magic disk variable:

sudo slogin pc1
set DSK=<your-disk-here>

You will be in csh here

Now mount the FreeBSD filesystems on the disk:

mount /dev/${DSK}s1a /mnt
mount /dev/${DSK}s1e /mnt/var
mount /dev/${DSK}s1f /mnt/usr

Now you can update the necessary files as follows.

The MFS has a much scaled-down set of binaries. To get access to a more full-featured system, you can run binaries from the disk image itself:

ldconfig /mnt/usr/lib /mnt/usr/X11R6/lib /mnt/usr/local/lib
set path=($path /mnt/sbin /mnt/bin /mnt/usr/sbin /mnt/usr/bin /mnt/usr/local/bin)

Now update the following files:

  • /mnt/etc/localtime

    Copy the correct file over from /mnt/usr/share/zoneinfo. Note that these zoneinfo files have been updated to reflect the new (as of 2007) DST rules in the US.

  • /mnt/etc/master.passwd

    Change the root password. The password needs to be changed in the etc/emulab subdirectory as well:

    chroot /mnt passwd root
    <set password>
    cp -p /mnt/etc/master.passwd /mnt/etc/emulab/

    Note that root passwords are changed on each experiment swapin; see this FAQ entry for more info.

  • /mnt/etc/ssh/ssh_host*

    We use the same host key for all images and all OSes. If you correctly customized your MFSes, you have already generated a set of site-specific host keys, and you can copy them to the disk with:

    cp -p /etc/ssh/ssh_host* /mnt/etc/ssh/

    and then skip to the next item.

    If you did not generate host keys for your MFSes, you can generate the keys now with:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa1 -N "" -f /mnt/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /mnt/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
    ssh-keygen -t dsa -N "" -f /mnt/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key

    This installs them in the disk image, you will still have to go back and install these same keys in the sources for your frisbee/freebsd MFSes later using the updating instructions in the README file in the MFS tarball. So save the keys from /mnt/etc/ssh off somewhere.

  • /mnt/etc/emulab/{client,emulab}.pem

    These should have been created on your boss node when you did the boss setup. So from your boss node do:

    sudo scp -p /usr/testbed/etc/{client,emulab}.pem pc1:/mnt/etc/emulab/

That is it for FreeBSD. Now remount the filesystems read-only so you can still run binaries but don't accidentally clobber anything:

cd /
mount -u -o ro /mnt/usr
mount -u -o ro /mnt/var
mount -u -o ro /mnt

and move on to updating the Linux partition on the disk.

Step 3 - Customize Linux

Mount the Linux filesystems (recall that the FreeBSD filesystems are still mounted on /mnt, so we use another directory):

mkdir /mnt2
mount -t ext2fs /dev/${DSK}s2 /mnt2

Now you can update the necessary files as follows.

  • /mnt2/etc/shadow

    Using your favorite editor, copy in the password hash for root from the FreeBSD password file (/mnt/etc/master.passwd) to /mnt2/etc/shadow. The password hash is the second colon-separated field in the "root" password file line. Note that these two files are not the same format just the password hash field of the file, so do NOT just copy the FreeBSD password file to /mnt2/etc/shadow. Finally copy the newly modified file to the emulab subdirectory:

    cp -p /mnt2/etc/shadow /mnt2/etc/emulab/

    Note that root passwords are changed on each experiment swapin; see this FAQ entry for more info.

  • /mnt2/etc/localtime

    Copy the correct file over from /mnt2/usr/share/zoneinfo

  • /mnt2/etc/ssh/ssh_host*

    Copy the host keys you created for FreeBSD above:

    cp -p /mnt/etc/ssh/ssh_host* /mnt2/etc/ssh/
  • /etc/testbed/{client,emulab}.pem

    Copy over from the FreeBSD side:

    cp -p /mnt/etc/emulab/*.pem /mnt2/etc/emulab/

Now unmount the Linux filesystem:

umount /mnt2

And fsck it for good luck. Actually, not only good luck but also to reset the time stamp that forces a periodic fsck:

e2fsck -f -y /dev/${DSK}s2

Step 4 - Saving the Customized Image

The "whole disk" image is the one used most frequently, but we also create single partition images of FreeBSD and Linux as well. Put the images onto a test area at first, and install them permanently later (in step 7.)

From boss do:

cd /proj/emulab-ops/images
sudo ssh pc1 imagezip /dev/$DSK - > $FULL-STD.ndz
sudo ssh pc1 imagezip -s 1 /dev/$DSK - > $BSD-STD.ndz
sudo ssh pc1 imagezip -s 2 /dev/$DSK - > $LNX-STD.ndz

Step 5 - Testing the Image

Now that you have saved a copy of your customization, you can test out the image and make sure it works.


You will need console access to the node at this point, either the VGA or the serial line depending on which version of pxeboot you are using.

From your slogin session on the node do:


and wait for the pxeboot prompt to appear on the console as described earlier. When the "Type a key..." message appears, hit space and then at the prompt type:


which tells pxeboot to boot from partition 1 (aka, the FreeBSD partition). The machine should proceed to boot all the way to a login prompt. Watch for startup problems, like account setup or mount failures. If all goes well, login to the console with the root password you set and reboot again. When you get the pxeboot prompt again, type space and then:


to boot into the Linux partition. Again watch for problems. If everything worked, skip the next step and proceed to "Installing the images" below. If there was a catastrophic failure, you can reboot the node into the admin MFS and reload the disk either with the image snapshot you made or, worst case, the generic image. If you just need to make some minor changes, make them and proceed with the next step.

Step 6 - Recreating the Image

If you need to tweak either the FreeBSD or Linux partitions, you will need to save the image again. Doing this properly involves cleaning up anything that the Emulab node self configuration might have done. While you are running either FreeBSD or Linux you do the following from the console:

shutdown now
<wait for single user root prompt>
cd /usr/local/etc/emulab

As the node reboots, catch the pxeboot prompt and boot into the admin MFS. Go back to the "Saving the Customized Image" step (4).

Step 7 - Installing the Images

Once you have a working image, go back to your boss and do:

mv /proj/emulab-ops/images/*.ndz /usr/testbed/images/

The boss installation process should have created image (and OS) descriptors for these standard images. You can verify via the web page by clicking on "List ImageIDs" on the left menu and ensuring that FBSD-STD, RHL-STD, FBSD62-STD, FBSD410-STD, FC6-STD, and RHL90-STD are all shown.

Step 8 - Additional Images

If you have chosen FBSD62+FC6-GENERIC as your default image, you may also want the FBSD410 image for firewall and vnode support (this is assuming that FreeBSD 4.10 will run on your hardware). To do this, you need to customize one or both of:

  • FBSD410-GENERIC.ndz

(Note that we do not use the combo image containing FBSD410 here, we use a "single partition" image with just BSD, which is smaller). Now, before you free up the node you have been using to customize the standard image, is the time to customize these.

To do this, make sure you node is in the admin MFS and then do (from your boss node):

sudo ssh pc1 imageunzip -s 1 - /dev/$DSK \

Note the "-s 1" argument to imageunzip. This tells it that the image should be loaded in the first DOS partition rather than at the beginning of the disk. This is why you should not attempt to customize the firewall image before you have done the standard image; the latter contains a DOS partition table necessary for this step.

Now proceed to customize as in step 2. (Customize FreeBSD) above. After customization (don't forget the final step of remounting the FSes readonly!) save the image from boss via:

cd /proj/emulab-ops/images
sudo ssh pc1 imagezip -s 1 /dev/$DSK - > FBSD410-IPFW2.ndz

Finally, move it into place on boss:

mv /proj/emulab-ops/images/*.ndz /usr/testbed/images/

Again, an image descriptor (FW-IPFW2) should already exist in the database.

Repeat for the vnode kernel:

sudo ssh pc1 imageunzip -s 1 - /dev/$DSK \

mv /proj/emulab-ops/images/*.ndz /usr/testbed/images/

Dealing with SCSI disks (or RAID) and unrecognized hardware

For completeness here are the files that need to be changed if you have other than IDE disks:

  • FreeBSD /etc/fstab: needs "ad0" changed to appropriate type ("ad4" for SATA, "da0" for SCSI, "aac", "twe" or various others for RAID)
  • Linux /etc/fstab: needs "hda" changed to appropriate type ("sda" for SATA or SCSI, etc.)
  • Linux /etc/lilo.conf: ditto, plus /sbin/lilo must be rerun

However, you should not need to mess with these files, the post-disk-loader script will do it for you.

For FreeBSD, we have five different FreeBSD 4.10 kernels that are used for various purposes. All of them are based on the GENERIC configuration. If the default kernel ("/kernel" aka "/kernel.100HZ") does not boot on your machine or your disk or Ethernet interfaces are not recognized, you will have to move to the FreeBSD 6.2 based solution above.

For Linux, it is even more of a PITA. We currently don't even have a generic Linux kernel in the image. So if Linux doesn't boot in the image, you will have to configure/build a new kernel on some external machine. Since the default Linux image is either Fedora 6 with a 2.6 kernel or RedHat 9 with a 2.4 kernel, it is also possible that it just doesn't support newer hardware. Contact us if this happens.